Comprehensive Guide to TSC Online Services: How to Easily Access Them

The Teachers Service Commission employs all teachers serving in public schools in Kenya and is mandated to recruit, develop, manage, and remunerate teachers both in primary and secondary schools. Several of these services are offered online for improved efficiency and accessibility. This guide illustrates the various services provided by TSC online and how you can very easily access them.

Services Offered Online by TSC

1. Online Payslips

One can easily get their monthly payslips online. Follow these steps to do so: log on to the online human payslips portal. First-time users are required to sign up and obtain login details. Put in your TSC Registration Number and the provided password to log in.

2. Teachers Online Services

There are various services available to teachers on the TSC website. These include:

a. Advertised Posts and Status

Through this section, the TSC posts vacant positions, and a teacher can apply and monitor their status of an application online. More information is found on the closed adverts page.

b. New Teacher Registration

Before one is allowed to teach in the Republic of Kenya, they have to be registered by the TSC. This registration exercise happens online. Details that would enable one to get a TSC number are available on this portal.

3. Advertisement of New Teaching Posts

TSC regularly updates the available teaching posts on this website. Visit the Advertised Teaching Posts page for more.

4. Teacher Appraisal

Teachers are supposed to undertake regular appraisals termly. The Appraisal portal is open for teachers to upload their data.

5. TSC Circulars and Other Media

TSC usually posts circulars and other important documents here in this website and are available for download here.

6. TMIS Returns

Teachers are supposed to update their information from time to time. This is done through the TSC online on the TMIS page.

7. Online P9

P9 forms are now online for teachers and TSC Secretariat Staff together with payslips. This will enable early filing of tax returns. Access here.

How to Access the TSC Website and Online Services

TSC Website

The TSC website offers a one-stop location where all commission activities have resource information and updates. Among others, the most appropriate services offered on this website include the following:

  • One can download documents like the Code of Regulations for Teachers and circulars.
  • Apply for Posts Advertised.
  • Notification to Retired Teachers on Pension Claims.
  • Access To Papers Presented in Teacher Conferences.

Read more here from About TSC website.

Teacher Registration Portal

The teachers can register and upload all the required documents for teacher registration and can track the status of their application through the Teacher Registration Portal.

T-Pay Payslip Service

Through T-Pay, a teacher can view pay information and send payslips to Financial Institutions.

Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD)

A teacher is able to carry out his performance appraisal using the TPAD System. Click here to access the revised Portal.

Wealth Declaration

The system requires all teachers and TSC staff to declare their income, assets, and liabilities through the wealth declaration portal.

Teacher Management Information System (TMIS)

The TMIS ensures accurate and up-to-date data collection from schools, county offices as well as the TSC headquarters. Access this service here.

Improving Communication

Email Services

The Commission’s email services enable teachers and other clients to seek information effectively without necessarily visiting the Commission’s offices.

Social Media Platforms

The many interactive platforms of the TSC, like its Facebook page and Twitter handle, constantly update and facilitate engagement with the Commission.

Bulk SMS

The bulk SMS platform pushes critical information and reminders directly to the teachers’ and staff’s mobile phones.

Human Resource Management Information System

The HRMIS enables the Secretariat Staff to manage leave applications, performance appraisals, and medical scheme administration online.


The integration of technology in TSC services has been very instrumental in streamlining service delivery, cutting down on physical visits, and ensuring prompt responses. Such services are provided and can be accessed at any time and place through personal devices by teachers and the public. The Commission shall continue to enhance its online services so as to offer real-time access and efficiency.

For more information and access to these services, visit the TSC website.


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