How to Fill Wealth Declaration Form for Teachers in Kenya: A Step-by-Step Guide

Wealth declaration is part of a process headed by the Teachers Service Commission for teachers in Kenya. It ensures transparency and accountability among public servants. The guide details a step-by-step procedure on how to assist teachers to complete their declaration online accurately and with ease.


The TSC in Kenya requires every teacher to declare their income, assets, and liabilities. This is purely a biennial process for the promotion of integrity and transparency in the public service sector. The TSC has in this regard developed an online portal where staff can declare wealth from any location with internet access.

Step-by-Step Guide to Filling the Wealth Declaration

Step 1: Accessing the Portal

Visit the TSC Website:

  • Open any web browser (it is advisable to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).
  • Browse the TSC website:
  • Under the “Online Services” menu option, click on “Teachers Online Services”.

Direct URL Access:

Step 2: Change of Password

Enter TSC Number:

  • In the portal home page, input your TSC number in the box provided and click “Next”.

Provide Contact Information:

  • Enter your mobile and a valid email address. Do not use another person’s email.
  • The email that you will provide will be used for in case of forgotten passwords and declaration form submission confirmations.

Password Setting:

  • Set a desired password and confirm this by entering the same password.
  • Then, click “Next.”

Step 3: Log in to the System

Log in:

  • Enter the TSC number and password in the respective fields provided.
  • Click the “Log in” button.

Step 4: Filling in General Information and Bio Data

General Information:

  • Scroll through the general information and Hit “Next”.

Bio Data:

  • Fill in your place of birth, marital status, postal, and permanent address.
  • Click “Next” for saving and proceeding into the Next Step.

Step 5: Declaration of Income, Assets, and Liabilities

Income, Assets, and Liabilities:

  • Click the appropriate tabs to declare details about income, assets, and liabilities.
  • Specify each by using the “Add/Save” button properly.

Step 6: Capturing Spouse(s) and Dependents

Enter Details:

  • Details of Spouse(s) and dependents: Mention the details of spouse(s) and dependents.
  • Click “Save” to proceed and repeat the same for adding more dependents.

Declaration for Dependents:

  • Click upon “Declare statement” under the column “Actions” beside each dependent to mention his/her (their) income, assets and liabilities.
  • If not applicable, click “Next” to move forward.

Step 7: Other Information

Other Information:

  • Enter any other information brought out in the fields provided in this regard.
  • Click “Add/Save”, if applicable or “Next” for moving on to the next one.

Step 8: Taking Particulars of Witness and Seeing Summary of Declaration

Witness Particulars:

  • Details of witness- should be filled in the corresponding fields.
  • Then, click “Save”.

View Summary:

  • Click the “View Summary” button to see your declaration.
  • In case corrections are required, refer to the left-hand menus or the button “Previous” to make any changes.
  • When satisfied, click “Submit” for submission of your declaration.
  • The submitted declaration will be sent to your email.

Other Options

Tracking of Declaration by the Administrator

Monitoring Tool

  • The monitoring tool can be utilized by administrators logging in and then selecting “Monitor Income, Assets, and Liabilities” from the Navigation Links.

Non-Compliance Reasons:

  • Administrators are able to view compliance status and log reasons for non-compliance.

Managing User Password

Resetting Password:

  • Click “Forgot password” and follow the instructions in the email to create a new password.

Changing Password:

  • You can change your password using the profile menu if necessary.

Logging Out:

  • Always log out of the system for security reasons using the “Sign out” menu when not in use.

In case of assistance, contact the TSC Integrity or ICT departments on the basis of allocated phone numbers available on the TSC portal.


Filling the wealth declaration form correctly is an important aspect for transparency and accountability in the teaching profession in the Republic of Kenya. Teachers can use the steps above to correctly make their declarations, therefore maintaining integrity in the public service sector as a whole.


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