Kisii University Welcomes 7,772 New Students for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Kisii university has broken a record with this year’s number of freshers. As per the KUCCPS admission results for the academic year 2024-2025, Kisii University will welcome 7,772 freshmen in total. The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service has finally given out these much awaited results. Documents how the freshmen have been spread within the faculties of the university.

Distribution of New Students Across Schools

School of Education

The School of Education will obtain the highest intake of first-year students, with 2,198 new students. This is a positive intake that shows the rising demand for studies in the training of teachers.

School of Arts and Social Sciences

This has attracted much student interest because it is an avenue for a wide range of programs. This has enabled it to accept 1,943 first-year students.

School of Business and Economics

The third one is the School of Business and Economics, which attracts 1335 new students. The attraction towards the school of business and economics is due to the economic and business enterprise programs, which are meant to equip one with entrepreneurial and economic skills.

Other Schools

Other schools will admit students as follows:

  • School of Law: 70 students
  • School of Health Sciences: 316 students
  • School of Pure and Applied Sciences: 647 students
  • School of Information Science: 827 students
  • School of Agricultural and Natural Resources: 436 students

Gender Balance

The new student intake shows almost equal numbers of male and female students, with 3,963 male students and 3,809 female students. This near balance indicates the level of gender equality that the university is striving for at the higher levels of education.

Reporting Date

The new students are expected to report to Kisii University in August/September of this year for the preparations that the university is making to offer a conducive learning atmosphere and a good integration with the rest.


The institution has managed a commendable increase in its student population, admitting some 7,772 new students for the 2024-2025 academic program year. The university continues to create a diverse academic community with equal representation from both gender groups and a variety of programs to offer a lively and inclusive intellectual life. The semester is set to begin in August/September, where an academic journey will be initiated for the freshers who have joined the university.


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