KNEC Announces Registration Dates for National Assessments and Examinations in 2025

KNEC has released the dates for this year’s learner registration for national exams. These exams include KPSEA, KJSEA and KCSE with guidelines on how schools should register and conduct the assessment.

Registration Dates

  • KPSEA Registration: Registration for Grade 6 learners who will sit for KPSEA will start on 27th January 2025. The assessments will be in October this year and it will be the last evaluation for learners before they join junior secondary. Schools will register candidates through KNEC CBA Portal and print the nominal roll.
  • KJSEA Registration: Registration for Grade 9 learners who will sit for KJSEA will start on 17th February 2025. KJSEA will be in October and November 2025. Schools will register learners through KNEC CBA Portal and print the nominal roll.
  • KCSE Registration: For Form 4 students preparing for KCSE, registration will also start on 17th February 2025. This will be the last chance for students to confirm their candidature for the national secondary exam.

CBC Assessment Changes

This is a big year for the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) as the first cohort of CBC students will sit for national exams that will guide their placement to senior secondary schools. KNEC has emphasized that various assessments will determine student placement and progression. These assessments will also ensure a smooth transition from primary to junior secondary and to senior secondary.

How Scores Will Be Awarded

KNEC has outlined the weight of each assessment:

  1. School-Based Assessments (SBA): 20% of the total score. Done in Grade 7 and 8. SBA will be divided into:
  • Term 2: Projects and practicals.
  • Term 3: Theory.
  1. KPSEA: 20% of the total score. Final assessment for primary school learners (Grade 6) before they join junior secondary.
  2. KJSEA: 60% of the total score for junior secondary students in Grade 9.

Total score will be from SBA (20%), KPSEA (20%) and KJSEA (60%).

Senior Secondary Schools

From 2026 the first CBC cohorts will go into senior secondary for a 3 year study period (Grade 10 to Grade 12). The school will be determined by the learner’s results in these assessments with a focus on the subjects they are interested in. Pathways in senior secondary will be based on three core learning areas:

  1. Arts and Sports Science (15% of learners)
  • Arts: Music and Dance, Theatre and Film, Fine Arts.
  • Sports Science: Sports and Recreation, Physical Education.
  1. Social Sciences (25% of learners)
  • Languages and Literature: Literature in English, Kiswahili and other languages like French, Arabic and Mandarin.
  • Humanities & Business Studies: Christian Religious Education (CRE), History, Geography, Business Studies and Islamic Religious Education (IRE).
  1. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) (60% of learners)
  • Pure Science: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and General Science.
  • Applied Science: Agriculture, Computer Science, Home Science.
  • Technical Studies: Aviation, Building and Construction, Electricity, Metal Work and Power Mechanics.

Specialization and Future Developments

KNEC has also added Media Technology and Marine and Fisheries Technologies under technical studies. This is to respond to the growing demand for specialized technical skills in these areas. This was informed by parent and stakeholder feedback and a review by a technical working group appointed by the President.

School Placement Details

For senior secondary school placement the Ministry has clarified that:

  • STEM students will go into the former national schools.
  • Arts and Sports students will go into Extra County schools.
  • Humanities students will go into County and Sub-county schools.

This will be where they will be best placed.


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