TSC Mandates TPAD Evidence Submission for Teachers

In a significant development, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has instituted a mandatory requirement for teachers to provide evidence of their Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) ratings. The move comes as part of TSC’s ongoing efforts to enhance the evaluation of teacher performance, particularly within the framework of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

The activation of TPAD for the first term of 2024 allowed teachers to create accounts and initiate the self-appraisal process. The Commission, in an attempt to bolster the TPAD system, has diligently worked on improving its servers to facilitate the mass uploading of resources.

Under the new guidelines, teachers will be obligated to submit evidence for each termly appraisal. This evidence encompasses crucial elements such as Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans, Attendance Registers, Lesson Notes, Progress Records, and Learners’ Work. The submitted evidence will be subject to approval by headteachers and their deputies.

Historically, the submission of evidence has been a requirement in the TPAD calendar, yet many teachers have bypassed this process. However, a noticeable shift is anticipated as the Commission aims to closely monitor teacher performance, using TPAD as a key factor in teacher promotions.

In the recent teacher promotion interviews held in December and January, the Commission incorporated TPAD performance as a scoring criterion. Teachers achieving scores of 81% and above received ten marks, while those scoring between 61% and 80% earned eight marks.

The ongoing promotion process involves the elevation of 36,505 teachers to different grades, addressing vacancies for both primary and post-primary school teachers.

Addressing challenges faced by schools in Deputy Heads of Institutions (DHOI) conducting lesson observations and appraising teachers, the TSC issued guidelines at the end of the last term. The directive allowed school heads to assign rights to their deputies for effective teacher appraisal.

TPAD, positioned as an open appraisal system, empowers teachers in primary and secondary schools to actively participate in evaluating their own performance and steering their professional development. The overarching goal is to restore the esteemed status of the teaching profession, rebuilding public confidence and support.

Teachers are required to download and present evidence of TPAD compliance during promotion interviews. Failure to adhere to the appraisal and lesson observation requirements may result in disciplinary action from the employer.

As TSC emphasizes the significance of TPAD evidence submission, teachers find themselves at the forefront of a paradigm shift in the evaluation landscape, where transparency and active participation in professional development are pivotal.


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