TSC Salary and Allowances for Deputy Principals and Senior Masters

Have you ever wondered just how much school deputy principals and senior masters here in Kenya earn? Well, following the collective bargaining agreement commonly referred to CBA was signed by the teachers’ service commission and the teacher’s unions in 2023, teachers are expected to receive an ample salary increment periodically.

The Teacher’s Service Commission (TSC) consequently instituted salary increases under Grade D2 (T Scale 12) for Deputy Principals II and Senior Masters I. Kenyan educators have previously pushed for increased compensation and better working conditions. Initially, the 2021–2025 CBA was seen as a significant step toward addressing these issues.

Currently, the base pay for Deputy Principals and Senior Masters in this category is 92,119 Kenyan Shillings. This significant increase demonstrates the commission’s dedication to raising teacher pay.

Teachers under Grade D2 receive a variety of allowances in addition to their base pay to support their financial security. These allowances include disability guide allowances, annual leave, hardship, and commuter benefits.

Salary and Allowances

CategoryAmount (KES)
Base Salary92,119
Hardship Allowance12,000
Commuter Allowance27,300
Annual Leave Allowance10,000
Disability Guide Allowance20,000

On top of the basic pay, teachers in this category also receive allowances that depend on several factors such as the location of their place of work. For instance, those working in designated hardwhip areas also recieve a hardship allowance of 12,000 Kenyan Shillings.

There’s also commuter allowance that’s is aimed to enable them commute to work. This allowance is capped at 27,300 Kenyan Shillings. They also receive a 10,000 Kenyan Shilling annual leave payment, enabling them to take well-earned breaks and refuel for their vital work.

Furthermore, teachers in Grade D2 receive 20,000 Kenyan Shillings as a disability guide allowance. This payment is intended to support educators who may experience difficulties in their jobs due to disability.


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