KNEC Assessment and Placement Process Under the CBC Curriculum

KNEC has provided a detailed guide on how learners’ scores will be used to transition from primary to senior secondary school under the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). This system has multiple assessment stages to assess learners holistically.

Primary and Junior Secondary Assessments

1. School Based Assessments (SBA)

  • Learners will do SBA in Grades 7 and 8 which will be 20% of the total score.
  • These will be done in term two and three.
  • Term Two SBA: Projects and practical assignments.
  • Term Three SBA: Theory based evaluations.

2. Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA)

  • In primary school, learners will sit for their final assessment at Grade 6.
  • KPSEA will be 20% of the total score and will determine their transition to junior secondary at Grade 7.

3. Kenya Junior School Education Assessment (KJSEA)

  • At Grade 9, learners will sit for KJSEA which will be 60% of the total score.
  • The total score for placement in senior secondary will be calculated as follows:
  • 20% from SBA (Grades 7 and 8)
  • 20% from KPSEA (Grade 6)
  • 60% from KJSEA (Grade 9)

Transition to Senior Secondary School

In 2026, the first cohort under CBC will transition to senior secondary school for a three year study period covering Grades 10, 11 and 12. Learners will be placed in different pathways based on their performance and interests.

Core Learning Areas and Pathways

Senior secondary will have three main core learning areas, each taking different percentage of learners:

1. Arts and Sports Science

  • This will take 15% of all learners.
  • It has two tracks:
  • Arts Track: Music and Dance, Theatre and Film, Fine Arts.
  • Sports Science Track: Sports and Recreation, Physical Education.

2. Social Sciences

  • This will take 25% of all learners.
  • It has two tracks:
  • Languages and Literature: Literature in English, Indigenous Languages, Kiswahili/Kenya Sign Language, Fasihi ya Kiswahili, Arabic, French, German, Mandarin/Chinese.
  • Humanities and Business Studies: Christian Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education, Hindu Religious Education, History and Citizenship, Geography, Business Studies.

3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

  • STEM will take 60% of all learners.
  • It has three tracks:
  • Pure Science: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Science.
  • Applied Science: Agriculture, Computer Science, Home Science.
  • Technical Studies: Aviation, Building and Construction, Electricity, Metal Work, Power Mechanics, Wood Work.

Other areas of study

KICD has indicated that they will introduce more technical areas of study in future, including Media Technology and Marine and Fisheries Technologies.

Placement criteria for Senior Secondary Schools

Learners will be placed in senior secondary schools based on their pathways:

  • Learners doing STEM will go to former national schools.
  • Extra County schools will be for Creative Arts and Sports.
  • And County and Subcounty schools will offer Humanities.


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