KEMFSED Project Donates Sh18 Million Bursary for Students in Kilifi County

In a significant boost to educational access and opportunity, the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development Project (KEMFSED) has allocated over Sh18 million to sponsor secondary and college students from impoverished families in Kilifi County. This initiative, funded by the World Bank, seeks to address the pervasive challenge of educational exclusion among vulnerable youth, thereby contributing to both individual empowerment and broader socio-economic development.

Quick Summary:

Addressing Educational Exclusion:

The allocation of funds for student sponsorship represents a critical intervention in addressing the barriers to educational access faced by marginalized youth in Kilifi County. By providing financial support to students pursuing secondary and college education, the project aims to mitigate the adverse effects of poverty on educational attainment, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

Fostering Skill Development:

KEMFSED’s emphasis on prioritizing courses aligned with highly demanded skills in the labor market reflects a strategic approach to empowering youth for sustainable employment and self-employment opportunities. By guiding beneficiaries towards fields such as health, fisheries, and environmental management, the project ensures that students acquire the competencies needed to contribute meaningfully to local socio-economic development.

Collaboration for Impact:

County officials commend the collaborative efforts between KEMFSED, the government, and other stakeholders in addressing the educational needs of vulnerable youth. By leveraging partnerships and mobilizing resources, the project maximizes its impact, complementing government initiatives and advancing shared goals of educational equity and opportunity.

Potential Impact:

The allocation of bursaries by KEMFSED holds immense potential for transformative change:

  • Expanded Educational Access: By providing financial support to vulnerable students, the initiative expands access to secondary and college education, empowering youth from impoverished backgrounds to pursue their academic aspirations.
  • Enhanced Employability: Through targeted skills training, beneficiaries gain the competencies needed to thrive in the labor market, thereby increasing their prospects for sustainable employment and economic self-sufficiency.
  • Socio-Economic Development: By investing in education and skill development, the project contributes to broader socio-economic development in Kilifi County, laying the foundation for a more prosperous and resilient community.


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