Nyandarua Residents Advocate for TVET Inclusion in Affordable Housing Board

In a pivotal moment during public hearings on the Affordable Housing Bill 2023, residents of Nyandarua County passionately voiced their desire for the integration of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions into the Affordable Housing Program board. The residents emphasized the need for the proposed legislation to clearly define the role of TVET institutions in the execution of the program. This advocacy for inclusion stems from the residents’ belief in the crucial role that TVET institutions play in the implementation process.

Quick Summary

  • Resident Advocacy: Nyandarua County residents call for the incorporation of TVET institutions into the Affordable Housing Program board during public hearings.
  • Role Clarification: Participants emphasize the importance of outlining the specific role of TVET institutions in the Affordable Housing Bill 2023.
  • Representation Appeal: Residents seek amendments to ensure the representation of the TVET sector, considering its significance as a stakeholder in the implementation process.

Fostering Collaboration for Development

During the Joint Committee public hearings held in Ol Kalou and Engineer towns, residents articulated their views on the Affordable Housing Bill 2023. The central theme was the need for TVET institutions to be active participants in the Affordable Housing Program. Participants stressed the anticipated impact of the building and construction industry, emphasizing the importance of having a representative from the TVET sector offering advisory services to the proposed board.

Ensuring Stakeholder Representation

Residents are advocating for amendments to the Affordable Housing Bill to explicitly include the TVET sector and define its responsibilities within the program. This call for representation is grounded in the belief that TVET institutions are not just providers of education but crucial stakeholders whose involvement can significantly contribute to the success of the Affordable Housing Program.

Perspectives from TVET Representatives

Kipipiri Technical Vocational College (TVC) Principal, Alexander Mwangi, and Nyandarua Polytechnic student leader, John Nyarango, emphasized that the Affordable Housing Program should extend opportunities to TVET students for skill development and job opportunities. Their sentiments underscore the broader vision of integrating education, skills development, and employment opportunities within the framework of affordable housing.

Empowering Youth through Skill Development

Kuria, Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning, urged the youth to seize the opportunities presented by the Affordable Housing Program. He highlighted the program’s potential to create numerous job opportunities for the youth, emphasizing that acquiring artisan skills through TVET institutions enhances one’s chances of securing professional contracts in the evolving landscape of affordable housing projects.

Final Thoughts

As Nyandarua residents passionately advocate for the inclusion of TVET institutions in the Affordable Housing Program board, the discourse reflects a community-driven approach to development. By recognizing the pivotal role of TVET in skill development and employment, residents aim to ensure that the Affordable Housing Bill 2023 becomes a comprehensive framework that not only addresses housing needs but also fosters education and sustainable economic development. As the legislative journey unfolds, the integration of TVET into the Affordable Housing Program promises to create a harmonious synergy between skills, shelter, and community empowerment.


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